Privacy Statement
Great Buy Pet Treats (herein referred to as GBPT) has a thorough commitment to your privacy and protecting your personal information. Our privacy policy outlines our approach to privacy and how we collect, use and protect your personal information.
It also sets out your rights in relation to accessing the personal information collected and held regarding you.
How your personal information is collected and used
GBPT collects your personal information only to enable us to conduct our business and/or services. Any information collected will only be used in a lawful manner.
Using GBPT website
By using our website and agreeing to our policy your personal information is never used or given to a third party that could identify you as an individual and is only used anonymously to any third parties we have contracted to provide services on our website (or pay pal, eway payment services) and is done so in a protected manner.
Consent to use your personal information
Personal information will only be used for marketing purposes if you have either expressed or implied consent to do so.
Implied consent is assumed when signing up to use our website.
When registering or purchasing from GBPT you consent to GBPT using your information such as email address to provide you with offers and information regarding our products and services and will comply with the Spam Act 2003